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UG Krishnamurti: A Life

UG Krishnamurti has been called the 'anti-guru', the 'raging sage' and the 'thinker who shuns thought'. UG does not give lectures, has no organizations, does not write books, holds no gatherings and peddles no mantras. Yet he is the most talked-about thinker in India. This biography, that topped best-seller lists for nine months after it was first published, uravels the man who talks of enlightenment as a neurobiological state of being, utterly free of religious, psychological or mystical implications. Even though UG overturns all of our accepted beliefs—in God, mind, soul, religion, love, relationships—and even though he endlessly repeats: 'I have no message for mankind', hundreds of thousands of people the world over flock to UG's unique brand of discourse. Mahesh Bhatt's seminal biography examines why.

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