
A 5th Portion Of Chicken Soup For The Soul

Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, world-renowned and universally loved motivational speakers, offer you their latest banquet of timeless tales and inspiring wisdom. Whether you are a longtime fan of the series or a first-time sampler, you will treasure Chicken Soup for the Soul's latest tribute to life and humanity. With topics ranging the emotional and experiential gamut, these heartwarming stories invite you to enjoy Chicken Soup in whatever way you find most comforting and appealing . . . by the spoonful, the bowlful or the whole soup pot in one sitting. The authors of these stories share with you some of their most meaningful life experiences. Their narrative gifts will help you to find deeper meaning in your own experiences and to move forward into a richer, more fulfilling life. Remember, in your life and the lives of those you love, there is always room for more love, more wisdom, more inspiration, more shared stories and, of course, more Chicken Soup.

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