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  1. Mystery

Bad Love

All is good until one day Alex Delaware, a forensic psychologist at the LAPD, receives a package with no posting address and just an audio tape inside. The tape has a recording of terrifying screams that run chills down the listener's spine. Along with the screaming is the repeated chanting of the phrase 'Bad love' by a childlike voice. Within days, more horrifying incidents start to occur. Delaware's house is broken into and vandalised. An abruptly ended phone call delivers only scary laughter -until Delaware stumbles upon a clue. People present at a symposium he had partly sponsored have met with untimely deaths and accidents. What lies in store for the psychologist unravels in the rest of this thriller. The eighth book in the Alex Delaware series written by Jonathan Kellerman, 'Bad Love' comes with a plot packed with mystery and belongs to the genre of psychological crime.

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