This is a story about one man, transcending two decades of his life. Tsukuru Tazaki lives in Tokyo and is employed as an engineer for a railroad company. All is well until Sara, his girlfriend, refuses to move on further in the relationship without having Tazaki come to terms with his past and his life. Not ready to commit to a thirty-six year old man who is still caught in the personal agony he faced ages ago, Sara makes Tsukuru relive his past by seeking some answers. As a high school student in Nagoya in the 1990s, Tsukuru had a group of four close friends who incidentally had 'Blue', 'Black', 'Red' and 'White' as surnames. As the odd one out of the group of five, Tsukuru called himself "colourless". However all his four friends severed all ties with him one by one, for no known reason. Tsukuru resigned himself to a fate of seclusion. His quest of living his years of youth again to seek answers from his friends and companions will take Tsukuru on a journey through the world to find ultimate peace and happiness. Toned in elements of fantasy, humane relations and social exclusion, 'Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage', another surreal work penned by Murakami about life and relationships, is worth a try for admirers of subjects dealing with identity and acceptance.