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How to Win Friends & Influence People

We all make lot of friends over the course of our life. Admittedly we do not regard everyone to be close to us and some we forget over the years, which leaves us with a bunch of close friends. What is it that makes these friends more important than others? How can we make more friends like them? Essentially they are the people that like you and your way of thinking. So how do you get people to like you and your way of thinking? This is exactly what this book teaches us. The author teaches us the basics of interaction and communication, illustrating each of his points with a multitude of examples. The principles laid down by the author may seem trivial at times. Some would even say it is common sense, but these are the things we often tend to overlook. The author proves that the success of a person not only comes from his wealth but also from how he manages to make people around him, think like him, and how he is viewed by them.

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