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  1. Philosophy

Murphy's Law Complete: All the Reasons Why Everything Goes Wrong

"Murphy's Law popularly known as Sod's Law, with acknowledgement to Parkinson's law and the Peter Principle-explains the truth of man's existence : that if anything can go wrong, it will. In three volumes of murphology, Arthus Bloch has provided the only comfort possible-laughter-for all those who have ever been exasperated by things going wrong, with a set of rules offering a wise, witty view of the human predicament in the cosmos. By the time Volume Three was published, Murphy's Law had already proved itself, as coined in Riley's ""Murphy's Law"" Laws : Stores that sell Volume One will not know of Volume Two. Stores that sell Volume Two will be out of Volume One. So here, in an attempt to combat those immutable Laws of Nature which ensure that man faces consistent adversity, are all three volumes published together for the first time."

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