Genres linked with this book
  1. Fiction
  2. History
  3. Romance

Pride & Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is set in England in the early 19th century. It tells the story of the Bennett family who have five unmarried daughters. They live in a remote village, far off from the main cities of England. They do not have any male heir and hence Mrs. Bennett, their mother is obsessed with marrying them off. The rich and eligible Mr. Bingley and his friend Mr. Darcy, have moved into their neighborhood. Mr. Bingley starts liking Jane, the eldest Bennet daughter whereas Mr. Darcy shows off as an arrogant person. He constantly gets involved in clashes with Elizabeth, Bennets' lively second daughter. The story continues where the pride in Darcy and the prejudice of Elizabeth must overcome before love can blossom between them. Filled with wit and humor, this classic comedy of manners makes for an amusing and fun read.

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1 Ratings

Zainab Qureshi Reviewed on: 02-01-2021

When Elizabeth Bennet meets Fitzwilliam Darcy for the first time at the ball, she writes him off as an arrogant and obnoxious man. He not only acts like an insufferable snob, but she also overhears him rejecting the very idea of asking her for a dance! As life pits them against each other again and again, Darcy begins to fall for Elizabeth's wit and intelligence and Elizabeth begins to question her feelings about Darcy. But when Darcy saves her youngest sister from a scandal, Elizabeth starts to wonder if her pride has prejudiced her opinion of Darcy. Through this tale about two warring hearts, Jane Austen weaves a witty satire about life in eighteenth century England and though it was published more than two centuries ago, Pride and Prejudice continues to enthrall readers to this very day. 'Pride and Prejudice is a rarity among great books in being both a trenchant moral tale and the wispiest wish fulfilment, as unreal as Cinderella.' The Sunday Times