
Step-By-Step Massage: A Guide to Massage Techniques for Health, Relaxation and Vitality

Discover the restorative power of touch with this comprehensive, practical guide to massage for health, relaxation and well-being. Over 350 step-by-step photographs form a clear and detailed failsafe teaching course. It includes techniques for self massage, instant massage, and sports massage to soothe aching muscles and joints. Clear safe instructions and expert guidance take you through massage for every part of the body. This practical guide brings together the very best traditional massage techniques with detailed step-by-step instructions from leading massage therapists. Everyone can benefit from this powerful form of physical communication. A good massage is as enjoyable to give as to receive, and with the right guidance and a little practice, everyone is capable of giving a wonderful therapeutic and pleasurable massage, in the ease and comfort of their own home. By mastering the techniques using the clear and simple instructions in this book, you too can learn the language of touch - a valuable gift for yourself and others.

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