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  1. Biography
  2. Non Fiction

You Can Win: A Step by Step Tool for Top Achievers

You Can Win by Shiv Khera talks about the step by step path of success and on every step it gives a fully motivated story which relates to real scenarios of life. This book discusses the action plan for life, throwing light on the importance of positive attitude, motivation and success, interpersonal skills, subconscious mind and habits, goal setting and many more topics. Shiv Khera gives examples of various life episodes including the opinions and quotes of successful people. There are many times we get failure and we get demotivated. This book gives energy and motivation which helps in fighting with difficult situation. It describes the tools we need for success, and offers blueprints to help build a successful and rewarding life. With a simple lucid language, and loaded with educational stories and how-to's, read this motivational guide for overall development.

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