Genres linked with this book
  1. Contemporary
  2. Fiction
  3. History
  4. Young Adult

Purple Hibiscus

This is a narration by a 15 year old Kambili. Kambili is the daughter of a wealthy industrialist living in Nigeria, and has a brother Ja Ja. Their father loves them dearly but is very strict and a rigid Catholic. At times he is physically abusive also. Kambili and Ja Ja are sent to stay with their aunt when there occurs a military takeover in Nigeria. In contrast to their disciplined home, their aunt's home is full of noise and life. Both of them witness and experience an autonomy beyond their father's authority. Kambili, while she realizes that she can hold her own opinions and decisions, also has to struggle with it. Adichie presents multi-dimensional characters and various aspects of life in Nigeria. Read it for a sensitive and gripping novel.

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